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Monday 23 March 2015

B’Haram: Nigeria pays Chadian, Nigerien soldiers N146m monthly

Chief of Army Staff, Maj. Gen. Kenneth Minimah
Nigeria is address the banking accountability of the operations by bunch armament adjoin Boko Haram insurgents, allegation by The PUNCH on Sunday accept revealed.
The troops from Nigeria’s neighbours – Chad and Niger – it was learnt in Abuja, accept N146.25m account as abridged and agriculture allowances from the
Federal Government.
The sum is about altered from that paid by Nigeria for fuelling of the operational cars of the adopted troops and added logistics, which our antecedent did not state.
A breakdown of the N146.2m shows that the 2,500 troops contributed by Chad accept N112.5m account while the 750 soldiers from Niger get N33.75m.
Thus anniversary of the soldiers from the two countries gets N45,000 account as abridged and agriculture allowances, the aforementioned amounts paid their Nigerian counterparts.
The collective war was accomplished by the governments of Nigeria, Chad and Niger to even out the insurgents from the North-East and to arrest their aggression into the two Francophone countries.
It was added aggregate that the two Francophone countries, are in accession to the allowances paid by Nigeria, authoritative demands for allotment by the all-embracing community.
Our source, who asked to abide bearding because he was not acceptable to allege on the issue, said, “Although, it is a collective operation, a affectionate of sub-regional collaborative effort, Nigeria is the alone country allotment the operations.
“The adjustment is not such that anniversary accommodating country funds its defence armament deployed for the operation.
“Nigeria is allotment the operation to the admeasurement of accouterment the allowances for all the Chadian and Nigerien troops involved.
“Apart from that, the country is aswell accouterment for the agriculture of these troops and fuelling all their operational vehicles.”
It was added aggregate that in animosity of the sacrifices getting fabricated by the Federal Government, the collective operation is getting threatened by alternate suspicion.
There are allegations that letters about the battle in the all-embracing media are getting manipulated by Chadians in the mission breadth to portray Nigerian troops in bad light.
It was learnt that the Defence Headquarters was not adequate with the askance of belief to highlight declared exploits of the acknowledging countries to the damage of the Nigerian armament and absolutely the country.
The address that Chadian troops absolved Damasak, a bound association amid Nigeria and Niger on March 9, 2015 was mentioned as one of such.
In it, the Chadians were appear to accept dead 200 insurgents while liberating the town.
However, the Chief of Army Staff, Lt. Gen. Kenneth Minimah, told journalists on Monday that the boondocks was still in terrorists’ hands.
It was added aggregate that the alternate suspicion was affronted by an adventure which resulted in the killing of an bearding amount of Nigerian troops by insurgents on their way to Dikwa.
The New York Times quoted the Chadian Adopted Minister, Moussa Mahamat, as accepting said that “the Nigerian Army has not succeeded in adverse up to Boko Haram.”
He had added, “The activity of these towns, this is up to Nigeria. My fondest ambition is that they accept their responsibilities.
“Our better ambition is that the Nigerian Army pulls itself calm — that it takes albatross in the towns. We are accessible to disengage, appropriate away.”
However, the Director Defence Information, Maj. Gen. Chris Olukolade, who absolved the affirmation on Saturday, said, “It is not accurate that our soldiers are not accommodating to yield over such communities. There is no boondocks that our soldiers accept absolved that is not getting able-bodied anchored and able-bodied patrolled at the moment.
“We accept consistently warned adjoin capricious comments in this accord and we are not accessible to accompany issues with anybody. We will do aggregate to sustain this collaboration.”
Attempts to get Olukolade to animadversion on Nigeria’s banking charge to the advancing operation were bootless on Sunday.
Calls to his adaptable blast amount did not affix as of the time of 8pm.

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