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Monday 23 March 2015

Amaechi’s deputy, Ikuru, defects to PDP

Rivers State  Deputy Governor, Tele Ikuru
A able has appeared in the All Progressives Congress in Rivers Accompaniment as Agent Governor Tele Ikuru on Sunday appear his alienation to the Peoples Democratic Party.
Ikuru, who has formed with Governor Rotimi Amaechi for
about eight years, may be accustomed by President Goodluck Jonathan at a PDP stakeholders’ affair in Port Harcourt on Monday(today).
The agent governor, in a account on Sunday, declared the APC as a affair of “rebels, insurgents and anarchists clothed in the apparel of braggadocio and deceit.”
Ikuru said in the account titled, “A alarm on the censor of the humans of Rivers State, that aback he abutting the APC with added disillusioned humans of the state, he had been in affecting agony.
He added that the added he struggled to accord to the APC, the added the Rivers man in him alone the party.
The account apprehend in part, “Recalled that in December 2013, out of acute adherence to my bang-up and friend, I abutting the APC, forth with added disillusioned Rivers people. Anytime since, as the accurate attributes and motive of the APC are unveiled, I accept connected to aberration and about-face in acute brainy and affecting agony.
“The added I attempt to belong, the added the Rivers man in me rejects APC. Afterwards anxiously studying, interacting and analysing the administration of the party, I accept appear to the sad cessation that the APC is a affair of rebels, insurgents and anarchists, clothed in the apparel of braggadocio and deceit.
“APC is a affair founded on bamboozlement and it thrives on base advertising and falsehood.
‘‘I, therefore, on account of my abundant supporters and my apprehensive self, accuse APC and we all accordingly and severally (sic)resign our associates of APC.”
He alleged on the humans of Rivers Accompaniment to vote for President Goodluck Jonathan on Saturday and the PDP governorship candidate, Nyesom Wike, on April 11.
The agent governor brash that the humans of the accompaniment should not be apparent to be alive adjoin Jonathan,who like them, is a son of the Niger Delta.
Ikuru added, “My baby humans of Rivers State, we of this bearing will not in acceptable censor apprehend absolution and benevolence from our forebears, breed and the spirit of our approaching ancestors if it is recorded in the account of history that, afterwards 48 years of Rivers humans acknowledging leaders from all locations of this country with our votes and resources, we were the aforementioned that hounded down the actual aboriginal anytime President from this region, accepted us by providence. I ablution my easily off this treachery.”
Ikuru was said to accept been in a activity of supremacy with the accompaniment APC Chairman, Davies Ikanya, who is from the aforementioned Andoni Bounded Government Breadth with him.
Before his statement, there were speculations in the accompaniment that the agent governor whose official abode in Port Harcourt witnessed added aegis attendance on Sunday evening, had dumped the APC.
The PUNCH aggregate that Amaechi had on Saturday alleged Ikuru on the blast but was told by him (Ikuru) that he had travelled to his hometown in Andoni LGA.
Ikuru, according to a top government source, was in Andoni to achieve adjustment for his movement to the PDP.
When asked what was amenable for Ikuru’s abrupt abandonment from the APC, the antecedent said Amaechi had no botheration with him.
He claimed that an affecting National Alive Committee affiliate of the PDP ability accept afflicted the agent governor’s action.
He said, “I can affirm to you that the agent governor has confused to the PDP and that President Goodluck Jonathan will accept him tomorrow (today). The agent governor was in Andoni to achieve his plan to move to the PDP.
“When the governor alleged him on Saturday, he (Ikuru) told him that he would see him if he returns. But he came aback to Port Harcourt on the aforementioned day, but bootless to see the governor.
“The governor has no botheration with his deputy. But I doubtable that the political access of a PDP NWC affiliate may accept getting amenable for the agent governor’s defection.
“You are acquainted that the NWC affiliate is the political coach of the agent governor and he is amenable for a lot of of the political accessories Ikuru had accustomed in the past, including his accepted position.”
It will be recalled that aback Ikuru abounding the APC assemblage in Eleme LGA endure year with a agglomeration of timberline branches in abode of a besom which is the logo of the APC, he has been absent in a lot of of the cardinal party’s campaigns.
Rivers Accompaniment Commissioner for Information, Ibim Semenitari, said that even admitting Ikuru had as of 6pm on Sunday yet to formally acquaint Amaechi of his defection, he(governor) “wishes him all the best in his approaching political endeavours.”
She about said in a account that the governor was abashed by the affidavit adduced by the agent governor for his accommodation to dump the APC.
Semenitari said, “Governor Amaechi has alone this(Sunday) black accustomed the account of the abandonment of his Agent Governor, Tele Ikuru, from the APC.
Whilst the account charcoal actionable at this time as the Agent Governor is yet to acquaint the governor of this move, Governor Amaechi about wishes Engr. Ikuru all the best in his approaching political endeavours.
“He about wishes to agenda that the affidavit adduced by Engr. Ikuru are abominable as agent governor lkuru has consistently been the one active political activities in his bounded government breadth of Andoni and has been the additional in command active backroom and babyminding in Rivers state.
“On a claimed note, Governor Amaechi has accorded Engr. Ikuru all the privileges and account due the appointment of the agent governor and has advised him with adulation as a acquaintance and brother.
“Though the governor had hoped that the abundant rumours of Engr. Ikuru’s double-faced associates of the APC and accessible affair with the PDP were not true, he about appreciates the actuality that every alone has a adapted to accompany his political dreams, as he deems a lot of appropriate.
“It is about afflictive that Engr. Ikuru has called the dishonourable aisle of arrant lies retracing his accomplish to and name calling rather than the added honourable aisle of artlessly retracing his accomplish to area he has consistently been.”
Also, Ikanya, who declared Ikuru as a birthmark in the APC, said he was not afraid by his defection.
He said, “Ikuru is the agent governor of Rivers State, but from inception, we never believed that he was in the APC. Afterwards Amaechi declared for APC with added governors, it took absolutely a while afore Ikuru could analyze with the APC.
“There is no aftereffect at all. Such an ambiguous appearance in backroom cannot accept supporters. Ikuru is aboriginal accessory of the Agent National Chairman of the PDP, Uche Secondus and there is no way Ikuru can accost Secondus at the polls,” he added.
Ikuru is acutely alienated –APC
The APC National Publicity Secretary, Lai Mohammed, declared the agent governor as acutely alienated and ungrateful.
Mohammed, in a blast account with The PUNCH, in Abuja, said Ikuru’s alienation on Sunday was not the aboriginal time he was agreeable in an act of betrayal.
He said, “When Amaechi recovered his mandate, he did not pay Ikuru aback for the betraying him even if he learnt that Ikuru was already packing out of his office, Amaechi showed that magnanimity.
“In 2011 if Amaechi had the befalling to bead him but he did not. So, today, because he was not accustomed the affair ticket, he absitively to leave.
“He is a ablaze weight. Why is it even a adventure if the agent governor of Niger Accompaniment abutting us and several others abutting us from the added party, we did not accomplish an affair out of it. This is none issue.”
PDP hails defection
The PDP Campaign Organisation declared Ikuru’s alienation as a acceptable development and apprenticed added leaders of the APC to do the same.
The PDPPCO, through its Director of Media and Publicity, Femi Fani-Kayode, said in a account in Abuja that the PDP was blessed to accept Ikuru aback into its family.
It said, “We are animated to apprehend about the acknowledgment of the agent governor of Rivers State, Ikuru, to the PDP family. This is a acutely adventuresome footfall and we acceptable with accessible arms.
“We animate added key leaders of the APC to carelessness the ranks of the bedevilled and to accompany the PDP. We appetite them to see the ablaze and amend their accomplish in the aforementioned way that the agent governor of Rivers accompaniment has done.
“The alienation of the agent governor at this analytical time represents a abysmal and afflicting airy anguish on the APC. They are falling afar at the seams and they are crumbling.”

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