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Sunday, 28 June 2015

My man must love me –Adesua Etomi

 Adesua Etomi (1)

My name is Adesua Etomi. I am an actress and I was born in Owerri, Imo State. I moved to the United Kingdom when I was an adolescent. Growing up was a well-rounded experience. Everything I am now is a result of my experiences growing up. I can appreciate life better because of what I went through.
I spent two years at the City College in Coventry where I studied Performing Arts, Musical Theatre and Physical Theatre. I bagged a triple distinction and then went on to study Drama and Performance at the University of Wolverhampton, where I graduated with a first class degree and the Foresight Theatre Award.
After a conversation with my guidance counsellor in 2004, I finally summoned up the courage to speak to my mum about pursuing acting as a career option. Luckily, she gave me her full blessings. My family has been very supportive and I’m thankful for that. They are my biggest fans.
After graduation, I decided to work because I wanted to save enough money to finance my acting ambitions. One thing led to another and I ended up working for longer than I had initially planned to. But along the line I got restless, so I quit my job and came to Nigeria for a three-month vacation. While in Nigeria, I heard about an audition for Emem Isong’s Knocking on Heaven’s Door. I got the part and since then I’ve been acting full-time. I began acting professionally in 2013.

When I joined Nollywood, I didn’t know what to expect but this industry has been very good to me. I’m still experiencing many firsts. It has been an exciting journey and I look forward to many more years.
I guess the first would be getting work. Not everyone is a fan of potential because it is a business and producers need to make money. But thankfully with each passing day and the grace of God, this is not so much of a challenge any longer. Right now my biggest challenge would be getting typecast. When people feel that you were great at a particular role, you begin to get offers for similar roles.
None at the moment but I’m preparing for a trip outside the country and I will be away for three weeks at an acting course in Los Angeles organised by Relativity Studios and the Africa International Film Festival.
Movies and stage productions
They are two different ends of the spectrum performance wise, but they both require discipline and a lot of hard work. With the stage, everything is in the moment, it’s larger than life so you have to project and externalise. With film you have to hone it in, the voice level comes down because we have body mics and the sound guy may go deaf if your voice goes above a certain decibel constantly. Film also requires a lot of control and subtlety is king. Movement in film is also reduced because it takes a long time to set up camera positions and lighting. On stage you can traverse the length and breadth of your space and the audience won’t lose you. Film is majorly internal unlike stage which is external.
My popularity doesn’t need handling in that sense of the word. I’m lucky to do what I love and because what I do is made for public consumption, it means several people know my name. Otherwise it is a job. I wake up and go to work and when I’m not working, I look forward to it.
Role models
On the Nigerian scene I absolutely love RMD, Rita Dominic, Kalu Ikeagwu and Kate Henshaw . One day, I hope to work with them. Internationally, I’m inspired by Daniel Day Lewis, Meryl Streep, Leonardo Dicaprio and Julia Roberts.
I don’t think one affects the other and there are many successful actors who are married. My ideal man must have the fear of God and he needs to love me like crazy.
I like to hang out with my friends; eat great food with good music playing in the background.
I am still true to who I was before I started down this very public path. Any outfit choice depends on the occasion. For instance a formal event places certain restrictions on what is acceptable or not. Above all, I love to be comfortable.
I’d love to be an established actor who is recognised all over the world. It is a bit ambitious but an Oscar would be great. I really just love to act and would like to do it for as long as I possibly can.

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