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Saturday 21 March 2015

Marriage is not on my account for now –Damilare Kuku

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Budding actress, Damilare Kuku, tells Saturday Beats about her career and adulation life
Why did you accept to abstraction Theatre Arts in school?

That’s something I accept consistently capital to do for a actual continued time. The aboriginal time I knew I capital to become an extra was if I saw the movie, Sound of Music. I was about seven years old and afterwards watching that movie, I absitively anon that I capital to become an actress. Luckily for me, I don’t accept a mother that puts me in a box. If I absitively to abstraction Theatre Arts, my mother alleged my uncle, a advocate and academician in the University of Lagos, for his opinion. My uncle afterwards alleged me and asked if I knew what I was accepting myself into. He told me about the ups and downs of the profession and admonish me to anticipate acutely afore authoritative any commitment. Afterwards we had the pep talk, aggregate went well. I anticipate the humans I absolutely aghast were my agents because they consistently anticipation I was traveling to be a doctor.
Why did they accept you would become a doctor in life?
In school, I was a actual ablaze child. I was not adequate with abortion because I knew how abundant money my parents were pumping into my education.
When you chose to become an actress, was your mother not sceptical?
The funny affair is that my mother is actual admiring of my career. All she told me was that I should accomplish abiding that I get focused and put my activity appear annihilation I absitively to become in life. My dad was aswell admiring but I anticipate he had absurd that I would become a doctor in life.
How accurate is it that adolescent actresses are usually apparent to a lot of vices while working?
I would not say actresses, it is girls in general. I bethink some weeks aback if I went to altercate some of my projects with somebody and I noticed that bisected of the time, he was not even alert to me. He was absent because I am a girl. The industry allows you to accomplish your choice. If you ambition to be crazy, it is accomplished but if you ambition to be a acceptable girl, you can aswell accept your way. I plan with some humans who are flirts and could be abandoned but they don’t accompany such ancestry on set. If you ambition to adhere out with them afterwards work, again it is up to you. Nobody would force you to do what you don’t ambition to do.
So, accept you anytime been sexually addled in the advance of accomplishing your work?
No, it has never happened to me. I plan with MNET, Ebony Activity and added organisations and the humans I plan with are actual appropriate people. They are humans who amount the arts and your claim are based on your work. They account you because of the plan that you do.
What prompted you to be bearing alternation drama?
I just capital to become an extra but my mother sat me down and told me that I had to own a assembly aggregation because as I get bigger, I could aftermath my own creations and ascendancy what happened to them. If I was in my additional year in the university, my mother and I co-founded a assembly aggregation alleged Red Lips Production. I anticipate my mother just saw the approaching and acquainted I bare a accomplishments that would advice me to be able to accomplish added money as an actress.
We learnt that your ball series, The Odds, can alone be beheld on YouTube. Are you acquainted that there are no banking assets from that move?
I am not accomplishing it to accretion anything. I am accomplishing the alternation to sensitise humans and to aswell advertise my work. I am a adolescent blur maker, it is something I am traveling to be accomplishing for a continued while and it can alone get better. My aim is to deliver about analysis and its account in the society. I feel lots of things are not appropriate with the association we reside in but all we do is just to allocution about them. A lot of humans are angry. What I did was to aces some situations and accept them go to analysis just to advance to the association that analysis is a way out. I anticipate it is time for us to plan on authoritative ourselves better.
What is Kakadu The Agreeable about?
I am an extra in the agreeable ball genre. It is a theatre assembly that we started about three years ago. I play the appearance of a babe called Bisi. The storyline is centred on the civilian war. We were at the apple bread-and-butter appointment endure January.
We learnt that afterwards you produced Efunsetan Aniwura in the university, Professor Akinwunmi Ishola was so afflicted he gave you two added scripts to plan on. How accurate is that?
Yes he did. He gave me Oleku, which is a classic, and told me to accomplish it into any affectionate of adjustment that I like. He aswell gave me the Software of ‘A Play About Lagos.’ Nobody has done A Play About Lagos but I would eventually do it because these are projects I accept to plan on. If anyone of the professor’s repute, a acclaimed writer, should accord you two scripts to plan on, you accept to yield them and activate plan as anon as possible.
Did you apperceive him afore you directed his play in school?
No I did not. There was a play that I was featured in, Ireke Onibudo, and that was area we met. He met me on date as an extra and I went to accommodated him that I admired his plan and that I was aswell a director. He said that no botheration I could accept it and that I was adolescent so he would adulation to see what I could do with the script. He did not apperceive me from anywhere and he was so nice to me. I did not pay a dime for the scripts. He is one of the humans that affect me.
How is it active a aggregation with your mother?
It is not simple and we action around every day. We generally accept altered angle on issues but we plan through them and achieve them amicably. I apperceive humans generally admonish adjoin accomplishing business with ancestors but if I am alive with my mother, she does not see me as a ancestors member. She sees me as a aide who has to get things done. We try to plan things out, sometimes we ability not allocution for a anniversary but the job gets done.
How do you accept time for your lover?
I am individual by choice. Nobody is blessed about that in my abode because they ambition I could just get affiliated and move on with my life. Aside from not getting in a relationship, I anticipate my claimed activity is fine.
Why did you adjudge to be individual even if you apperceive your ancestors wants it otherwise?
Boys are a huge distraction. Once you get into a relationship, you would accept to cede at atomic 30 per cent of your dreams to accomplish that accord work. If I get affiliated today, I cannot be everywhere. I accept to be a mother and a wife. Until I get to that date in my activity if I apperceive that I can cede 30 per cent of my activity into addition person’s life, I anticipate I would abide like this. Marriage is not on the agenda for me appropriate now.

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