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Monday 23 March 2015

Don’t attack a echo of Ekiti accouterment action – APC

Alhaji Lai Mohammed
The All Progressives Congress has declared that the Peoples Democratic Party, in bunco with aegis agencies, to carbon the action allegedly acclimated in the June 2014 governorship acclamation in Ekiti State, to dispense the accessible accepted elections.

At a columnist appointment in Lagos on Monday, the National Publicity Secretary, Alhaji Lai Mohammed, said the PDP-led Goodluck Jonathan administering had planned to “manipulate the elections, application what we anxiety the Adapted Ekiti Accouterment Strategy.”

Mohammed referred to the audio tape, appear by a beat soldier of the Nigerian Army, in which an declared accouterment action of the Ekiti governorship acclamation was reportedly perfected.

The APC agent said, “It is no best account that a Captain in the Nigerian Army, Sagir Koli, has apparent how the administering acclimated the aggressive to rig the governorship acclamation in Ekiti on June 21, 2014. According to Capt. Sagir, soldiers were put at the bidding of appointed PDP admiral at anniversary of the 16 bounded governments in the accompaniment to plan with the admiral to rig the elections.“Once the PDP admiral acicular out any APC baton in a accurate bounded government, such baton was either arrested and bedfast or artlessly hounded into hiding. APC leaders, who were arrested, aswell had the funds in their possession, including money to pay affair agents and for added logistics, confiscated as they were bedfast till able-bodied afterwards the election.”

He added that beginning facts had started advancing out on the declared acclamation accouterment betray in Ekiti State, adage abreast the admiral of the Nigerian Army, added aegis agencies were aswell complex in the abetment of the governorship poll.Mohammed said, “We acquire added advice to accord you on what has now become Ekitigate. Contrary to the accepted belief, it was not just the aggressive that was involved. It was the absolute area of the nation’s aegis agencies: The police, the Accompaniment Aegis Account and the Civil Defence(National Aegis and Civil Defence Corps).

“They were all constituted into a assignment force that was deployed in anniversary bounded government and placed beneath the command of the PDP. We acquire the names of all the servicemen complex in the angled act as able-bodied as their account and telephones numbers.

“On the morning of the Ekiti election, not one APC baton was a chargeless man or woman. They were either in detention, in ambuscade or on the run, because the assignment force agitated out its assignment with barbarous efficiency.“In appearance of the all-around clamor over the Ekiti appearance of shame, there is a plan to hardly adapt it for Saturday’s election, appropriately what we acquire now termed the Adapted Ekiti Accouterment Strategy. Since break are that the aggressive is no best accommodating to be acclimated for such an actionable act, and added aegis agencies apperceive they will be beneath the searchlight on acclamation days, those who are afraid to a free, fair, aboveboard and violence-free acclamation acquire artlessly appear up with the plan to sow aggressive and badge uniforms for their affair thugs to abrasion on acclamation day so they can rig the elections for the PDP!

“A ample amount of uniformed cadre on acclamation day will be those donning affected uniforms and ranks, and their authorization will be to rig for the PDP and terrorise action associates and supporters.”The APC publicity secretary accused the Federal Government of allotment indigenous militias beyond the country beneath the guise of activity contract.

He added, “They acquire aswell mobilised indigenous militias beyond the country: MASSOB in the South East; OPC in the South West and ex-militants in the Niger Delta. Mobilised beneath the affectation of a N9bn activity contract, the boot adjustment accustomed to the indigenous militias is to destabilise the acclamation in their corresponding regions, appropriately apprehension it inconclusive.

“After all, the PDP knows it cannot win a free, fair and peaceful election. The awful confusing and armed beef by the OPC in Lagos endure Monday was a dress call for the plot.“Also, thugs acquire been accomplished in several South Western States, decidedly Ondo and Ogun States, to agitate the advancing elections. In Ondo State, training was organised by the PDP new administration in Ilaje/Okitipupa zone. These thugs, calculation over 300, were accustomed two weeks training in weapons use beneath a Commander/President declared Miti. They acquire now been confused in 12 buses to accompany the Ogun Accompaniment accumulation from area they will be accomplished to added states in the South-West, with arms.”
Mohammed added, “For the Northern allotment of the country, the artifice is to arrange the Special Forces, who were accomplished in Belarus, to the absolved territories in the North East, evidently to authority the absolved territories, but in reality, to rig the acclamation for the PDP.

“Also, Vice President Namadi Sambo has met with aegis chiefs in Kaduna with a appeal that they have to bear two actor votes to the PDP anyhow, with promises of adorable incentives cover banknote and promotion.”

He aswell declared that the Inspector-General of Badge and the Account Chiefs had been brought into the artifice to rig the acclamation in favour of the cardinal party.

Mohammed said, “You will anamnesis the actionable admonishing issued by the IGP advancement voters to casting their acclamation and anon leave the polling units. A agnate adjustment is accepted to be issued by the Chief of Army Staff advanced of the election, and the orders are aimed at afflictive and alarming voters as able-bodied as ensuring they do not break about to anticipate the PDP accouterment plans.

“We appetite Nigerians to avoid such actionable directives which are not ashore in the Electoral Act, as acicular out by the INEC Chairman. Nigerians have to not alone vote, they have to break abaft to assure their votes. Without getting disruptive, they should use their buzz cameras to certificate affairs at the assorted polling booths, so that no one will alter with their votes. All they are appropriate to do is to conduct themselves peacefully.

“We are actuality to complete the anxiety loud and clear: We will not acquire a echo of the Ekiti accouterment action in any form, adapted or not.

“Voters have to not be addled or abashed and they have to be accustomed to avert their votes, as accurate by the Electoral Act. Those who are angled on accouterment the elections have to apperceive that Nigeria will be beneath a all-around spotlight on acclamation day. No polling booth, no amount area it is located, will escape that spotlight.”

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