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Monday, 22 June 2015


Closing Date of JAMB Change of Course/Institution for 2015

 DE 2015
This is to inform all JAMB candidates, who would want to effect a change in either of any of their Courses or Institutions, that this service and procedure has been extended and now ends on 26th June, 2015.
We're not sure if there will be any extension in the date but you should do well to ensure you effect your changes before the above stated date.
Please avoid trying to play smart by waiting to see if your current school of choice would release cut-off, before taking a decision to make your changes. Based on history, schools will not release their post-UTME cut-off or procedures until the change of course is over, no matter the extension.

Do your research based on previous post-UTME cut-offs and information and effect your changes immediately. Please DO NOT WAIT UNTIL THE LAST MINUTE.

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