“Nothing splendid has ever been
achieved except by those who dared
believe, that something inside of them
was superior to circumstances.”
– Bruces Barton.
achieved except by those who dared
believe, that something inside of them
was superior to circumstances.”
– Bruces Barton.
Years back, I became interested in the startling story of one of the
finest American presidents: Theodore Roosevelt. After reading something
very striking about him somewhere, I jumped into the study of this
bright and enigmatic leader. In the course of my dramatic search, I
later discovered that the famed and one of the longest serving United
States presidents, Franklin D. Roosevelt, was related to him (note:
Franklin was his cousin). Surprisingly, other information and facts
began to emerge, much to my intellectual excitement.
Interestingly enough, however, one of the items that sparked up this
article was when I realized that this widely-known great president of
the United States, added the adjective, ‘WHITE’ to the official
presidential residence of today’s U.S. presidential lodge, the famous
‘White House’. Immediately, something struck the ‘walls’ of my
inquisitive mind. My world temporarily stood still. Questions began to
crowd the sanctuary of my now awakened mind. Questions such as: Why the
choice of white? The colour black, as it were, was synonymous with
blacks, niggers and slaves! Was America, at that time, a white- only
country? Were there no promising blacks, Jews, native Indians and\or
other potential immigrants? What conditions of the mind or
circumstantial factors and other unknown sources conspired to influence
the president’s choice of ‘WHITE?’ At that moment, a gentle thought
knocked on the doors of my ‘overcharged’ mind, the words of B.F. Skinner
swam like a wave through it saying, ‘When you find something
interesting, drop everything else and study it.’ This writer, obeyed.
So, the quest began and I had to put on my research gloves and
thinking cap. The first thing I expended my energy and thinking on was,
what could be the relationship between my desire to probe the ‘White”
adjective and the emergence of the first black American president –
Barack Obama? Suddenly, a thought provoking title gushed out of my mind
like a volcano! This intellectual insight birthed the title of this
research-driven article. I quickly wrote the title in a file, and like
Sir Isaac Newton, under the apple tree, I started thinking, researching,
wrestling with my brain to provide insights, ideas, information and
direction to take in the creation of an article, that, putting into
consideration the already established literary tradition, will not
benefit the Nigerian cum African students alone, this time, but the
entire black race!
At this juncture, I shall formulate hard scientific questions, which
will assist in giving literary direction to the entire body of this
confidence-building and life-enriching article, especially for the black
race! Note that a great mind once said ‘you know a person who is
knowledgeable by the person’s answers; and the wise person by the nature
of their questions.’ The first question is: How did this fatherless
African American (whose ancestral home is in Kenya), rise to be the
first black man to occupy the most sought after and enviable office in
the world – ‘The White House? This question is so important considering
the various odds and obstacles the blacks have to contend with in the
world, especially in the United States, even today! Kindly ponder on the
words by Professor Daron Acemoglu and James A. Robinson, while trying
to explain the conditions of the black race in the southern states, in
the 19th century. They argued in their insightful book titled, ‘Why
Nations Fail’, that, ‘In the meantime, blacks continued to be excluded
from power and are repressed. Plantation-type agriculture based on
low-wage, poorly educated labour persisted….’ Honestly, one cannot fully
say that the situation has completely disappeared in the 21st century!
So, the second question is: What are the core factors, or defining
characteristics responsible for the political evolution of this black
man (Barack Hussein Obama, Jr), and his bold ascendance into the
Theodore Roosevelt’s so-named ‘White House?’ Third, linking Obama’s
behaviors before his emergence as the President of the world’s most
powerful nation, with the broad-based behaviours which he has
consistently displayed, so far, in his close to seven years in the
White House, what insights and lessons can one glean, and if possible,
package, for the benefits of Africans, Nigerians and blacks, everywhere?
In my long-term and continuous study of successful students, groups,
peoples, and nations etc., I have repeatedly found one basic unifying
trait, common habit synonymous with this unique sect. And, this group of
distinct habits, which I term – HBR (Habit, Behaviour and Routine), is
one of the core reasons behind their successes, no matter the nature of
their competitive fields. Like one of my distant literary mentors wrote
in one of his brilliant books titled, ‘The 100 Absolutely Unbreakable
Laws of Business and Success’, Brian Tracy puts it thus: ‘You can study
others who have achieved the same goal and by doing what they did, you
can get the same results”. I argued in a recent article, which was
published by ‘The Nation’ and ‘The Leadership’ newspapers, respectively,
titled, ‘Education: The Cloning of a Nobel Laureate’,(many thanks to
these patriotic and ingenious organizations); this writer talked about
the concept of (HBR) at length. Besides, in my research for this
academic article, I came across the story of this interesting American
acclaimed self-made millionaire, Dr. John Demartini. How he studied the
lifestyles, behaviours and belief systems of Nobel Laureates. He applied
the insights he gleaned from his study in his life, and today, he is
not only a leading light in his field, he consults for CEOs(Chief
Executive Officers) and other top leaders in the world.
Therefore, another thought-generating question is: what are the basic
behaviors and beliefs of President Barack Hussein Obama, Jr, that if
applied by blacks all over the world in their diverse fields, would,
based on natural laws and principles of human progress, generate – ‘The
Barack Obama Effect’? That is: Blacks, emerging firsts, bests and tops
in all fields of human endeavours, including the scientific realm and
other brain and mind driven arenas, not majorly football\soccer, boxing,
music, basketball and other brawl and muscle oriented endeavours? I
studied and keenly observed Barack Obama, read books written by him i.e.
‘The Audacity of Hope’; critically listened to his various
mind-grabbing speeches, public addresses, watched documentaries,
commentaries, critiqued his thoughts and quotes, tried to understand the
nature and texture of his belief system etc.; in order to pierce
through the Barrack Obama ‘thought-sphere’. It is based on this
observational cum exploratory research and my modest scientific
understanding of this black African presidential phenomenon that this
article was conceived, birthed and taken to the print for the sole
benefits of one of the most-maligned races on Earth: the Black people!
In effect, I uncovered what I term the ‘4Bs of Barrack Obama!’ They
are, first, Brainpower; second Belief System (BS); third, Bold
Aspiration (BA); fourth, Best Mind-set (BM). Empirical evidence and
other supporting data are employed to proof each of the 4Bs.
The world, and especially the 21st century is today, a ‘Knowledge
Economy.’ Contemporary writers, however, call it – the Information Age,
Talent Age or the Age of Thinkers etc. Before now, Africans and blacks
in general are taken for people who are intellectually-laidback. Some
say they lack CIA (Cognitive and Intellectual Ability); and even some
believe Africans and blacks are sub-humans. So many other laughable
labels are formulated against this race, in order to keep their backs,
permanently down!
Put differently, education, as generally agreed, is one of the most
important elements of the brain and if incorporated with DHL (Daily
Habit of Learning), it transforms the human brain into brainpower.
President Barack Obama is lucky to be born in the 60s; that is, 50 years
plus in an ecosystem with the best educational system in the world,
today. Being raised by educated parents (Dad, the late Barack H. Obama,
Sr, was a senior Kenyan government economist and mum, Stanley Ann
Dunhan, an American anthropologist), even though his dad died when
Barack was very young, his mother, Indonesian step-father, and
relatives ensured that his education didn’t end up benighted. He
capitalized on the opportunity to get himself the best of education.
After his primary education, and post primary, he preceded to Columbia
University and later, Harvard Law School, where he became the first
black president of Harvard Law report. It is no secret that the legal
profession is predicated on thinking, reasoning, research and
communication; all these factors convert brain into brainpower! Via
solid and sound educational background, Obama has been able to use his
mind (intellectual competence) and mouth (communicative prowess) to
bewilder the American electorates. These, amid other vital forces, gave
him the political clout to emerge as the first black U.S. president.
What do these aforementioned insights mean for all blacks? Truth is, it
means, as the evidence clearly shows, that we need to strive and get the
best of education, first, with this in our competitive kit, then, we
can embark on the race for the top in all fields. We all know that our
educational backwardness, resulting in our meagre global knowledge
output, is the most critical bane of black undoing amongst other races.
Nelson Mandela puts it like this, ‘Education is the most powerful weapon
which we can use to change the world.’ Also, the first black African
American first lady, Michelle Obama adds, ‘A good education can lift you
from the most humble circumstances into a life you never could have
imagined…’ Could it ever, have crossed Obama’s mind to aspire to the
world’s N0. 1 office if he was an illiterate in one of the
drug-dominated slums of Alabama, U.S.? I surrender the answer to you,
dearest reader!
In the second place, from my study, one important and revealing
behavior of Barack is his Belief System (BS), or personal ideology,
generally speaking. Right from the day he hit the global headline, when
he delivered a groundbreaking speech, in 2004; his style of behaviors
has not changed, although, it might have been upped and polished, due to
his current political status. More so, in ‘Contemporary Chinese
Politics: An Introduction’, James C.F. Wang wrote in his
information-laden book that ‘Ideology is a set of political values,
feelings, and ideas that guides individuals to behave in a certain
manner for the purpose of achieving a particular goal.’ Any keen
observer of this great African American phenomenon will agree with me
that President Barack Obama has not deviated from this unique habit. He
believes in himself, in his noble ideals – what I call – ‘the audacity
of self-belief.’ His personal philosophy has repeatedly been
demonstrated in his pattern of practice. And these distinct patterns of
behavior have consistently spurred enviable empirical outcomes. The big
question, again, is: How can this unique behavioural trait benefit the
black race as Africa rises to take its highly-courted position in the
comity of continents and earthly races? After all, Barack Obama, like
Neil Armstrong, walking on the moon for the first time, in 1969; has
stepped on the moon for us (Africans and everyone whose skin is black!)
We need to believe in ourselves; develop a consciousness that whatever
we can conceive, we can, definitely attain; and this irreligious
awareness will help us rise up to global greatness, in due course. Look
at Asia, especially China, in today’s world.
Furthermore, call it scientific faith if you like, especially if you
don’t subscribe to the concept of any Higher Power. Regarding Bold
Aspiration (BA), as one of the observed characteristic of Barack Obama,
this is a trait that one cannot fail to notice in the life of this great
African American president. Obama displays this in the way and manner
in which he attempts things that naturally, or based on circumstantial
conditions, seem, ‘un-attemptable and sacred.’ It is the peculiar belief
system of Obama that inspired him, to aspire to the presidency of the
world’s most powerful nation; despite all the multifaceted odds against
him. Blacks and Africans all over the world need to immediately remove
the remaining vestige of slavery and start believing in themselves;
especially by employing the ‘Barack Obama Model’ as anchor, in order to
aspire and attain audacious aspirations, or what I conceive as 3G(Great
and Grand Goals),beginning from now.
In the same vein, the late Nigerian sage, Chief Obafemi Awolowo even
put it philosophically, when he said, ‘It is not life that matters, but
the courage one puts into it.’ Obama, from all intents and purposes, has
consistently shown the audacity of boldness, of courage and of change,
not only hope! Barack Obama, himself said, ‘It is only when you hitch
your wagon to something larger than yourself, that you will realize your
full potential.’ He could not be further from the truth, taking a
critical look at his life, the audacity of ambitions, his characteristic
demonstration of courage , even when it relates to policies that seem
utopian and outlandish like – ‘the largely contentious –‘Obamacare’ and
the list is endless!
In reading the book of one of the brightest and early pioneers of
‘Positive Psychology’, James Allen, the legendary author of ‘Mind is the
Master’; I diligently read and reflected on one of his collections
titled, ‘As a Man Thinks.’ In this brilliant book, Allen clearly stated
that ‘our thoughts determine our lives.’ If you think you are the best
and that you deserve the best, this believe materializes in your life.
Wait a minute, dear reader, please, let us reason together here,
especially as it relates to Best Mind-set (BM) theory, have you pondered
on why Obama vied for the president of the U.S.? Why he chose to study
law, considering the fact that lawyers have ruled America more than
people of other professions? Why he aspired to the president of the
Harvard law report, and becoming the first black American to achieve
such intellectual feat? Why he elected to ‘net’ Michelle, a lawyer and
obviously his senior in the field? The list goes on and on. Can you see
similar patterns or mode of mind and of course, motion? What insights
and lessons do all these present to every Nigerian, African and black,
all over the world?
This, however, reminds me of one time U.S. first lady, the
intellectually wise Eleanor Roosevelt, who said long time ago that, ‘No
one can make you feel inferior, except by your consent.’ I am aware of
the psychological wounds, some of us still carry around, as a result of
our past, skin pigmentation, and the continuous injuries and mental
insults blacks suffer from remarks and biased studies being propagated
and of course disseminated by some researchers, scientists and writers
with regard to black intelligence, (IQ) as it is popularly known. I am
also aware of studies (and media utterances!) by James Watson, Professor
Authur Jenson, Richard Herrnstein, Charles Murray etc. I have come
across and sometimes read and reflected on other arguable and
contentious intellectual works such as ‘The Bell curve’, ‘The Origin and
Nature of Intelligence’, ‘Gene and Genius’ ‘Jewish Genius’, ‘Chinese
Phenomenon’ etc…
Surprisingly enough, all this, didn’t deter President Barack Obama
from believing in himself and aiming for gold! In fact, it should not
restrain any of us; rather, inspire us to take the ‘right’ risks. Fellow
blacks and Africans, it is all in the mind! Tony Robbins had said we
should ‘Awaken the Giant Within’; and Lance Secretan wrote in
world-class book, titled ‘Inspire! What All Great Leaders Do’, that
‘However, if you reflect honestly and deeply to mine the riches that are
buried among your most precious inner resources – you may just change
your life.’ We cannot afford to do less; it is inside each of us as a
race. God is never partial! Therefore, henceforth, we should make
education a matter of continental priority in general and national
security issue in particular; believe in ourselves as God’s own people,
too; put on the garment of courage and aspire to great and audacious
dreams and inculcate the mindset of the best, going forward. The 21st
century will not only be the ‘Age of Asia’, alone; but of the ‘Rise of
Africa.’ Yes, we definitely, should!
Adedayo A. Olumuyiwa, is an academic consultant and speaker; and the
author of ‘Education: Secrets of Chinese and Asian Students.’
08167518756 and fadek2f@gmail.com
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