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Saturday 21 March 2015

Ibinabo should awning her face in abashment –Emeka Ike

Ike, Ibinabo and Arinze
Emeka Ike is absolutely over the moon as his case with Actors Brotherhood of Nigeria took a absolute about-face if the cloister chaotic Ibinabo Fiberesima’s acclamation as the AGN admiral few canicule ago.
Speaking alone to Saturday
Punch beforehand in the week, Ike said Ibinabo should awning her face in abashment for artful Nigerians.
He said, “The cloister judgement is achievement for the Nigerian attorneys and Nigeria as a whole. It is a achievement for the adolescent and the afflicted in Nigeria and it shows that our amends adjustment is still actual tenable. The accuracy was accepted at the end of the day and cipher was able to awning it up.”
When abreast about Ibinabo’s appear ambition to address the ruling, Ike said, “It is her appropriate to address any judgement she feels does not favour her. But what is there to address if the accomplished 13 prayers I presented afore the cloister were answered? It agency she has no locus standi and she should be abashed of herself for absent to deceive the Nigerian people.
“She should awning her face in abashment and to say she wants to address is provoking. What does she ambition to address and on what grounds? She was kicked out with the lath of advisers that put her there and she was still apparently adage that she was put there by the lath of trustees. Can’t she read? They were fired! Traveling everywhere to say that she wants to address is a assurance of desperation. She should just go to apologise to Nigerians. I accord her 24 hours to apologise to Nigeria for the apparent appearance of antipathy to the aphorism of law. A cloister of competent administration has told you what to do and all you bare to do was to attach to the ruling. She knows that she was accusable and she had no locus standi. If she does not apologise to Nigeria afterwards 24 hours, we would arise a action of cloister antipathy and cipher would beg me out of this one.”
Meanwhile, in a Blackberry Messanger forum,, above admiral of AGN, Segun Arinze lambasted Ike, adage that AGN should adios him.
Arinze said, “It’s all a ailing joke! I acquisition the judgement adumbral and a kangaroo arrangement. Emeka Ike is a non affair as far as we AGN associates are concerned. I alarm on all members, including our A-list actors and Nollywood as an industry to abide the angry affairs of Emeka Ike and his cohorts. We accept gone accomplished all that. We shouldn’t disregard one man aggravating to abash the industry. Emeka Ike needs advice to save himself from himself. We charge to acknowledge him persona non grata in the industry. We are affective forward. Cest fini!! Ibinabo Fiberesima is our bonafide President. Abundant is enough. This caper has to stop!”
But Ike, while speaking to Saturday Beats, declared Segun Arinze’s animadversion as simple ‘market talk’ that should be discredited. He declared Arinze as an “illiterate who should be ignored.”
“Reacting to the animadversion of a man that the cloister has blank shows that I don’t accept account for the aphorism of law. His account does not amount as abundant as the account of the judge. It is a actual atomic statement. It can be likened to a bazaar talk. His ambition is that he can accumulate demography the lots of the Nigerian youths by traveling to the able places to beat for money meant for Nigerian youths. All the money they accept collected, how was it spent? What accept they fabricated out of the money that they accept been accepting afterwards visiting assorted government officials? Such humans bistro such alms would not ambition you to get them out of the bench in a hurry. They would do annihilation to accumulate themselves there for a continued while. Let Segun Arinze bind me but if he doesn’t accept the power, he should shut up or I will bind him. I went the acknowledged way and won, I did not apply thugs. Anybody that is not annoyed should do the same.
“Segun Arinze talking this way shows that he is not educated. He is an benighted that begin himself in a position and they acclimated him. From the alpha of this case, I had said that he did not go to academy but cipher advised my claims. Segun Arinze has aghast me with that statement. I am absolutely aghast because he is my acquaintance and I anticipation I was appropriately extenuative him from the easily of this lath of trustees. But if he has absolutely taken abandon with them adjoin the Nigerian nation, again he would be ashamed forth with them,” he said.
Meanwhile, in a account appear by Ibinabo’s camp, the extra insists she is still the Admiral of the brotherhood back the judgement did not accomplish Emeka Ike the admiral of AGN.
According to her, “The Lath of advisers has done able-bodied to advocate our constitution’s accouterment that there cannot be a blow in government, appropriately Ibinabo Fiberesima Egbuka charcoal the Admiral of Actors Brotherhood of Nigeria.”
In the statement, the extra said she doesn’t accept any affair with Emeka Ike but, “the case in catechism is amid amateur Emeka Ike , the lath of advisers and the Segun Arinze-led government of civic unity. It is not amid I and Emeka Ike as some blogs accept abominably reported. I accept no issues with him.”

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