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Wednesday 25 March 2015

B’Haram kidnaps 400 women in Damasak

Nigeria Defence spokesman, Major General Chris Olukolade
Boko Haram militants accept kidnapped added than 400 women and accouchement from the arctic Nigerian boondocks of Damasak that was freed this ages by troops from Niger and Chad, Reuters quoted association as adage on Tuesday.

There was no actual official acceptance of the figure, but the Islamist accumulation has ahead agitated out accumulation kidnappings. Boko Haram in April 2014 adopted over 200 schoolgirls in Chibok.
“They (insurgents) took 506 adolescent women and accouchement (in Damasak). They dead about 50 of them afore leaving. We don’t apperceive if they dead others afterwards leaving, but they took the blow with them,” a banker alleged Souleymane Ali told Reuters in the town.
Troops of the African collective force endure anniversary begin the bodies of at atomic 70 humans in an credible beheading website beneath a arch arch out of Damasak, area the streets remained broadcast with bits and burnt-out cars afterwards the fighting.
Ali said his wife and three of his daughters were a part of those seized.
“Two of them were declared to get affiliated this year. (Boko Haram) said ‘They are disciplinarian so we’re demography them because they accord to us,’” he said.
Mohamed Ousmane, addition trader, said the militants took his two wives and three of their children.
A 40-year-old citizen who gave her name as Fana said fighters had angled up captives in the capital abbey afore demography them out of town. She said she adored her two accouchement by ambuscade them in her house.

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