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Sunday 25 September 2016

10 Things To Do To Change Your Life Forever

We are surrounded by change, and the more you resist, the tougher life gets. Accept change, look at it as an opportunity to try new things, to meet new people, to challenge you.
Change can come upon us by way of unexpected events or by choice. It’s inevitable so grab it with two hands and see where it takes you.

1  Be Happy

What makes you happy? Really, happy. Is it a person, is it an activity? Think about that true happiness and find ways to get involved and follow through to get more of that happiness. Without true happiness you will go through life wondering what could have been.
2  Create a Dream Board

Some people think it’s corny, some swear by them. Cut out pictures of things you want, and things you want to achieve, and stick them on a big sheet of paper, or a small one if you aren’t making it public. It’s a visual reminder of what make you happy and what to strive for. If you don’t want to make it publically visible, keep it in a draw that you use frequently – that way it’s out of sight but a constant reminder to you of what you want to change in your life.
3  Set Goals To Achieve Your Dreams

Now that you have worked out what your dreams are on your dream board: Holiday, better job, nicer car, get married, have children, retire, etc etc – you need to take action to put these goals in place. Set up short, medium, and long term goals. And then act on them, and that is what will make it happen. If they all don’t turn out, keep at it, or adjust your goals.
4  Let Go Of Your Regrets

Don’t hold back and don’t let anything hold you back. Regrets and negative feelings of what could have been have a tendency to be internalized, upsetting the balance of your gut and brain, and can lead to sickness. Be positive, move forward – history is history.
5  Do Something Out Of Your Bubble

Unless you try something new, out of your comfort zone, you’re never going to give anything a go. You’ll be living in your same old bubble, week in week out. It doesn’t have to be bungy jumping, but something that you’ve thought about but never had the gumption to go and try: make a speech in front of people; start walking to lose weight; go out on a girls night out now and then. It can be anything you don’t do now. Make a change to try something new.
6  Start Living A Well Balanced Life

You need your body and mind to be working together. Unless you look after your body, your mind won’t be clear. Exercise is the best way to clear your head and gain a positive attitude. It’s amazing what you start thinking about if you go for a run, or even a walk,: it’s not the negative stuff, it’s what you need to do, the positive things. Make a change and try it.
7  Face Your Fears

It’s easy to brush off our fears in the hope that they will go away and we won’t have to do anything about them. Your fears are only thoughts on your mind, they’re not real, but they manifest over time and then we believe them to be real. We need to take control of these fears – mind over matter – and not let them control us. Have positive thoughts and move forward.
8  Accept Yourself

You are who you are. You are a combination of genetics and environment. Everyone has something that they would like to change about themselves – if they are truthful and think hard about it. The only person that can make that change is you. A negative attitude to your, let’s call them ‘self-faults’ is only going to make them worse. You need to be positive and want to change, and then you will.
9  Live In The Moment

Don’t dwell on yesterday; don’t be negative if you have a bad event or thought. Negativity only breeds negativity. Be positive and live in the moment, live for what will be, not what has been. The grass may be greener on the other side of the fence, but the only way you will know is if you make the effort to jump the fence. If it’s not greener when you get there, you’ve learned a good lesson and can keep moving forward anyway.
10  Show Gratitude

If you are grateful for what you have and what you can change, then good things will happen and you will see your life change. Your changes don’t need to be monumental, they may be small, but they are still changes, and hopefully changes for the better.

Change Your Attitude To Change.

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